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What to Expect

Application Due

September 30, 2025



Right out of the gate you need to be aware of one thing: you have to be flexible on a mission trip! From the moment you head to the airport to when you finally return home safe and sound the journey will certainly be an adventure you won't forget. To help you prepare for your short-term trip and to help you be the most effective, this page will help you be prepared for your mission trip.



Jan. 29-Feb. 9 trip's focus: To Be Announced


Travel Plans

  • Fly out of your closest International airport​

  • Before we go you are required to have: a US Passport (that does NOT expire within 6 months), a travel Visa (don't worry we'll help you with that), and current immunizations - specifically for Yellow Fever

  • The trip will be around 10 days long, depending on excursions, travel dates, local conditions. Remember, you have to be flexible, right?


Rural Village Ministry

In the Ugandan villages, we typically work with the local church in many ares:
Home visits with recent Rural Pastor Institute graduates and their families.
Share your testimony with the church family
Speak at different churches
Attend local worship services

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Mission Group Fun Day

We will take a rest day in between some of our ministry days to experience the beauty of Uganda. Possible activities include:

  • A visit to the Nile River and a boat ride

  • Itanda Falls day hike

  • Shopping & Food sampling

  • Wildlife Safari Adventure

(Each trip's fun day differs based on the availability of time and cost)



The cost for the trip is an incredible value that includes airfare, lodging, experiences, supplies, guides and expertise. We'll help you with fundraising ideas and even include a recreational day to experience Uganda as well. 


​January/February Uganda Trip Deadlines

​​Trip applications due 9/30/25 

Deposit of $150 due 9/30/25

Payments $1,500 due 11/1/25

Balance due 1/15/26​​

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Work Projects

There are many opportunities to work with our hands on this trip! We typically start at the Rural Pastors Institute facility and move outward to the rural villages, including:

  • Constructing goat enclosures

  • Construction of pig fencing

  • Repair and maintenance of facilities

  • Other miscellaneous building projects


Adult Ministry

On some trips, our teams work with adult men and women in the village. Possible ways we will interact:

  • Sharing the Gospel

  • Biblical Education

  • Sharing your testimony

  • Group devotional time/Bible study

  • Fellowship and conversation around meals

  • Help prepare meals and participate in trip responsibilities

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January/February Trip Application Due

September 30, 2025


Funds given through this website are received by Pestor's World Wide Outreach Ministry, the Parent Organization of RPI Missions, a 501 (c)(3) organization. (PWWOM EIN# 27-3799063). Contributions to RPI Missions and Pestor's World Wide Outreach --Ministry are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. We will provide end-of-the-year reports of your donations.

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