RPI Missions Trip Testimonials
​I am a Passionary! So says my youngest boy. He tells me I am part Pastor, part Missionary — thereby making me a Passionary. I like it.
I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was 6 years old. When I was 13 at a missions’ conference at my church, I submitted my life to full-time Christian service. I thought that would be me going to medical school and working with orphans. That was not God’s plan and, as I have learned in life, it is not about me. However, God did take seriously my dedication of my life to His service.
Missionary work has always captured my heart; I love stories of missionaries and I love to spend time with them and hear of how God is using them to reach people. The fact that God calls us to play a part in the advancement of His kingdom has always humbled and fascinated me.
The biggest surprise for me after the trip? I personally was also convicted about how I could be a better wife in my personal life. THAT was not something I expected to learn in Uganda.
My first trip to Uganda was in 2017. It was a wonderful experience, and I made many good friends. I can’t begin to tell you how excited I was to be able to travel there again this past June. The people, the country, the Rural Pastors Project … all contributed to another amazing experience.
When the ladies met separately, I was privileged to be one of their speakers. I spoke with them about the Proverbs 31 woman and how God wants us to be with our husbands, in our homes, and with our resources. The ladies were very appreciative of the training and shared experiences with one another.
I was a newbie traveling with RPI! And as this was my first mission trip, I was unsure of what to expect culturally and spiritually ... but I was amazed on all accounts!
We spent 6 days in the small village of Kamuli and were welcomed as family that had not been seen in ages. We stayed in the home of the village pastor, Pastor Sosan, as his family graciously sacrificed their space to accommodate us. I was truly humbled by the hospitality that was shown us throughout our time in Uganda.
More amazing than the quantity of people was the hunger they had for the Word of God; they didn’t want just to hear the Gospel, they wanted deeper.